Since about 2017,-mails are flowing in my inbox announcing the update of privacy statements (under any name) and also asking for my consent to continue keeping my data, sending me newsletters etc. – the reason is the GDPR, which entered into force in 2018, after two years of preparatory period. Also, “wherever I go, whatever I do”, I have to sign consent forms. Some of these are justified, but the sheer volume of consent I have to give makes me suspicious. And not by chance: consent is but one of the possible legal bases for processing personal data, and apparently not the soundest one, however sure it seems to be: if the data subject consents, who can complain? - thought some. Lawyers giving this latter advice were warned as early as March 2019. Let’s jump in time: the 30th July the Hellenic Data Protection Authority fined PWC for processing their employees’ data based on consent, at least telling the employees so. The summary of the decision can b...